Wednesday, 8 December 2010

More news ..

Ok we all Love 
Soon will be 

As im a Designer within Commercial Use already it was
a Pleasure to join up and be part of this new amazing store
That is owned by Our Dear Monica Larsen  and Boop Designs

Most of my FULLSIZED ONLY kits will be up and will be alot of new Designs going in also 
No goth will be going up ..
I'm totally Re-Vamping myself in the new year and i'd love you all to follow My Adventures..
PU Store is having teething problems at present BUT will be up again soon so you all 
can see some of the amazing PU Products ..
The store should be up and running soon ..

Huggz to All 

CBJ Retiring....

I'm doing a major change for the best i hope ...
At the end of December i will be Leaving
And Have only my own personnal Store..
I will 
Still be doing Exclusive Tagger kits for DSI also 
Still a moderator within DSI Yahoo Group.
I feel at present i need to have less on my plate and 
within the new year i will be re-vamping my store ..
With new layout,items and freebies..
This will be my main goal and my main place where you will see all my designs...
In the new year also
i will be Retiring alot of my older kits and these will be placed at under a Dollar 
At Moment All 3 Stores
Chaos ,Twilight and CC are on sale at
One  Dollar ..."WOOT"
So please grab some of my goodies while they are still about..

I have some more news but this will be within the next message as this is long enough LOL 
Think my Mo-Jo is returning but with new idea's instead of new kits ..hehe!
Huggz to All My Fans ect..