Saturday, 31 January 2009

On the 2009

ok, kind of a long story...
We went to my parents house to celebrate the new year and left home at 16.30, accordingly to the railroads website we were to arrive at my parents house at 21.00. The first train we took was on time and while we waited for our second train we found out that that train was 30 minutes late. We had to wait at the trainstation out in the cold, it was freezing… Coldest night in 15 years! We asked one of the railroad people if he could tell us when and if we would arrive at my parents. He told us not to worry, worst case scenario would be a taxi to my parents house at their cost. So we waited for the train and when we finally got on we knew that the last train at the final station of this train already had left… But that wasn’t the worst of our trip yet… After about 10 minutes in this train we had to step out of it again and waited on a deserted train station while our train took of to help the stranded train in front of us. We had to wait in the cold again, this time for over an hour. When the train finally came back with the stranded train we could get on with our trip. The people from the railroad company came to us and asked us where we were going. They made sure there was an extra train for us waiting on the final station of this train so we could go to our final destination. But… They forgot to inform the people at the final trainstation so the trainstation closed and they send my father home with the news that there wasn’t going to be any train coming in that night! So when we finally arrived at 23.00 we were stranded at a closed trainstation with only the railroad man who brought us there. He was kind enough to bring us all the way to my parents house, a 30 minute drive. So we got at my parents house just in time to celebrate the new year!

kit 2009 by Creationz by Jo

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Digital scrapbooker

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


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new tut up using Miss Jo's lustful romance kit

u can see the tut here

Saturday, 24 January 2009

My Endless Love full size kit

My DD and her BF looking happy. Kit is My Endless Love by CBJ – Creationz by Jo.

Thursday, 15 January 2009


New tut up called TFE
using Jo's Endless Love kit

I Still Love You

Kit - Endless Love

Fallen Angel - full size kit

My daughter and God-daughter with me! Kit is Fallen Angel by CBJ – Creationz by Jo. Font is Teenage angst.

Friday, 9 January 2009